Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tono Stano

Sense, 1992

I guess by now you already know what kind of photos that i love. Yes, i'm obsessed with black and white photos. Why? i don't really know, but maybe the simplicity of it. It's dark, full of secrets and mysteries. I always impressed by how the photographers can create magnificent photos just by using two colors. There's nothing better than black and white photos that shot with a film. It's a common knowledge that digital camera can never capture BW photos as good as film cameras. I'm not saying that colored photos are not good, no, there's certain mood that BW photos can't produce, of course.

So, this time i want to show you works by Czech photographer, Tono Stano. Have i told you that tumblr is a really great source? Right, i found out about this man from tumblr (God bless David Karp!)

This photo brought me to this man :

Sumptuous Hair, 1990

The highlight of Stano's photography is his wonderful vision of body's composition, eccentricity and expressive movement in his works. I can see that he's heavily influenced by performance art, body sculpture and theatrical drama. Light is also a take a big part, as you can see in the first photo (Sense, 1992) lightness and contrast made and defined an abstract figure.

Women Reject White, 1991

What's a good photo without a story? There's always a message or something that the photographer want to achieve with their photos. There's always something that will make our imagination wander and try to analyze those photos. What's the story behind it? What is it that the artists trying to tell us? Symbolism. They're all presented with symbolisms.

Kiss, 1986

"If I want a picture to 'have a life' and to radiate energy, it has to be done in a way that people can connect their own story to it. It has to be a photo that you can make part of your own 'album of life'. If it doesn't fit in, you won't like it," Stano said. I can feel it, that Stano's photos are personal. Thats what it is with staged photography. You create your own world. You choose the symbols, the beauty, the meanings, you're the 'God' where nothing is impossible. You can play with it, throw you dissatisfaction of the 'real' world in it.

Documentation of a Promise II, 1994

Who's That? , 1984

OKAY, if you're offended by provocative images, i guess you can leave now and find another blog. Because, i LOVE provocative images. I LOVE pornographic art. In my opinion, there's nothing more beautiful than human's body and there's nothing more meaningful than human's interaction. Art or pure porn, that depends on your personal point of view.

"That's not something I would bother about. I do things according to my conscience and the way that I think they should look. How people perceive them depends entirely on their personality,"

Art Nouveau Too Late, 1986

Don't Fall, 2002

Lamentation, 1986

Fairytale Creatures, 1995

In his earlier years, he took photos in a studio but later he moved out of his studio and dare to taking photos in an open landscape.

"It may seem that my models have perfect bodies but nobody is perfect. I think I choose average people. They are not mutilated, but they are no beauties either. I don't want the viewer to be concerned about whether somebody is a cripple or that he is old. I want my pictures to look like the photographs in a book on anatomy or a fine art book,"

Romantic Background, 1992

Well, that's it. I could go on and on but now my mom bitching at me. Fuck it, you can find more of his works here

"When I lie, I am closer to the truth than documentary photography." -Tono Stano

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